Thursday, 29 September 2011

Juggling a few different projects at the moment

Am working through the Prison Murals and various
other projects this week.
The Cityscape mural is quite time consuming.
I am just starting on views of York after completing images of Ripon.
Can't wait to get it finished!!!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Sketches for work in progress

Alverton Nursery School in Northallerton
Have commissioned me to do 3 very large murals.

Corridor yr 1 and 2

I have started to sketch out ideas for the
corridor which has a nursery rhyme theme.

The main hall

The main hall has a magical/enchantment theme. So I
am looking at children's narrative - Lion,Witch and Wardrobe,
Snow Queen, Harry Potter, Peter Pan, Where the Wild Things Are,
and The Gruffalo.

I haven't started sketches for the reading area yet (gardens/forests and woods)
Am looking forward to this project.

Shop fronts

Final illustrations (just emailed for approval) for the Shop fronts.

Have scanned and pieced them together..... hope they look okay. Fingers crossed.
Can't wait to see them on the websites!!!

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Monday, 12 September 2011

Shop fronts sketches for friend's online shop

Sketches for my friend's online shops. Just need to get the final illustrations done now

Now working on the final ones with the objects displayed in more detail.

Ticket design for Madness night

Ticket design for Complete Madness - tribute band

Sketches for work in progress

Sketched design for Rebecca's tattoo
Just got to incorporate the Claddagh heart into it and then play around with it a little more.
Have another tattoo request to do so am now downloading Angels (for Lou)
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